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Turn-Based Single Player

In single player, you control the clock and can jump ahead several hours at a time. The standard jump ahead time is 6 hours, but you can earn Valour by being bold and jumping ahead further, or pay Valour to make smaller jumps for finer control.

Real-Time Multiplayer

The multiplayer game plays out in real time, over several days or weeks. You can log in at any time of the day to check the progress of your armies, view the results of battles, and issue new orders.

Real-time multiplayer is a great way to play with your friends, as you don't all need to be online at the same time. Everyone can jump in whenever they have a few minutes to spare.

Game Admin Options

If you created a password protected multiplayer game (Premium), you will have access to a number of special administration features for game time. You can jump ahead in time and pause the game. More...

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